2021 JFK 50 Miler

Focus Germany: Boating Berlin

November 26, 2018  •  Leave a Comment




Boating Berlin



A few days before we left Berlin for good, we made a boat tour along the Spree River. We combined the pleasure of doing a touristy thing with the seriousness of getting to a particular registration office to unregister as residents. The view from the river is always different than as if walking along its banks. The vantage point is lower, one sits in a boat that slowly moves along. No need for looking on your way or paying attention in order not to bump into others. You just sit and relax and look. This kind of perspective is unique, that´s how these pictures came to be.





Friedrichshain - iconic Oberbaumbrücke and the boxy building of

Universal Music, a former egg storage.





Friedrichshain - Radialsystem, a multi usable arts space.





Mitte - Headquarters of the Berlin Public Transport Company (BVG)





Mitte - S-Bahn and concrete slab architecture.





Mitte - interesting building next to Ebertbrücke and Tucholskystrasse,

I´ve no clue what its purpose is. 





Mitte - roof of one of the Houses of Representatives.





Mitte - newly built blocks close to the main station. From left to right:

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Futurium, Ministry for Education and Research





Moabit - Anne Frank Elementary School





Hansaviertel - Hansa Elementary School





Charlottenburg - lofts and start-ups





Moabit - Christ the Saviour Church





Charlottenburg - Carmeq building





Charlottenburg - Charlottenburg thermal power station





Charlottenburg - Charlottenburg thermal power station. Don´t know what the very cool

Frank Lloyd Wright/Bauhaus inspired building to the right used to be, it appears to be empty.

Another urban research project.






Berlin Galleries












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