2021 JFK 50 Miler

BER - Neverending Story

January 31, 2020  •  Leave a Comment




BER - Neverending Story



All the neverending stories you´ve heard so far are nothing compared to the one taking place in the Brandenburg province close to Berlin. It´s a story unheard of, exceeding all phantasies of any storytelling mastermind. Welcome to BER: the ultimate of the neverending stories. It´s really worthwile reading the wiki article I´ve linked, it helps understanding a failure of gargantuan proportions. Even if the airport will go into service later this year, it will have been an episode with all the drama and stoicism which is so typical for Berlin.





The pictures were made during a tour of the unfinished airport. In the years before 2020

the airport operator offered information tours for the general public.





Impressive, yet grass grows over unused paths





Main entrance area





Check-in counters





Lounge area





Lufthansa info counter





Main hall


































       Infrastructure for Air Berlin is superfluous as

       the airline ceased existing in the meantime.












Other infrastructure has to be uesd and moved in order to maintain functionality,

such as the airport fire fighters and the public transport system.





The airport guide was a retired engineer who worked at the site prior to retirement. Trying to

explain the grotesque failure is a more difficult feat than any engineering challenge.





The apron





Looking underneath the gate bridges









Parking garages





Power station







Germany Gallery








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