2021 JFK 50 Miler

Badlands, South Dakota

January 29, 2020  •  Leave a Comment



Badlands, South Dakota



Roadtrips are fun and roadtrips in the US are particularly fun, because there is a lot of space and many miles to kill. Landscapes are vast and roads often quite empty, at least from a European point of view. Highlights such as the Badlands in South Dakota are a welcome opportunity to leave the highways for leg stretching and hikes. And to just let the landscape, the air and the weather sink in. To pause for a moment. Roadtrips are constant movement, breakes and in-depth physical, as well as mental excursions, will in most cases leave an impression and a learning effect.

Badlands are a particular form of landscape all over the globe, yet most people associate the term with the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. Once you were there you can understand why.






Stop! in the name of contemplation





Once you look into the details, there is colour





The general appearance is arid













Semi intrusive roads









A settlement - trying to make a living is hard. Most people living in

and especially to the south of the park are Oglala Lakota.














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