2021 JFK 50 Miler

Framing Chicago: Random Chicago 2

January 15, 2019  •  Leave a Comment




Random Chicago 2



There are going to be a lot of random chicago photographs, so I started numbering the posts knowing there´ll be more to follow. Just as I did back in Berlin, when it became a little difficult to include really interesting pictures into posts with a particular subject. A city so diverse and constantly changing, breathing that big city spirit, needs more space than just in a catchphrase or slogan. That´s when I started the random-series; it´s easy to just pick pictures that have little or no connection to eachother and display them randomly. Chicago is so different from Berlin, but also so interesting and fascinating that it needs that extra space in my posts. Every picture stands for itself and tells its own story.





Not the holy trinity, but an interesting trio anyway: Marina City by Bertrand Goldberg

to the left, IBM Plaza by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Trump Tower to the right




Art Deco electricity substation opposite Richard J. Daley Plaza designed by Holabird and Root




Richard J. Daley Plaza - the International Style Center Courthouse and City Hall in the Classical Revival Style




Some highrises reflecting in the bean, officially called Cloud Gate




Fire escape for the ones without fear of height




A corner of the Rookery Building designed and built by architects Burnham & Root - 

Frank Lloyd Wright remodeled the lobby 




A typical road running underneath the L, the elevated train




I like this one in particular because our apartment building can be seen

in the centre. Our apartment is two floors above the open terrace




Not easy to detect, there are two window-cleaners in this picture




A building of the Northwestern University campus.



























       Above: Hancock Tower and Water Tower to its left



      The German term for skyscraper translates as

      cloudscraper, quite fitting when looking

      at this pic










USA Galleries
















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