2021 JFK 50 Miler

Close to Home: A House In Laurium

December 03, 2018  •  Leave a Comment




A House In Laurium



There is a house up in Laurium, a house so interesting, you may never want to leave it.

A house so grand and vast you could never find your way out again.

A house so full of stories and characters it should be haunted, but it´s not.

The house is a house of good spirits, they will guide you around and they will guide you out again.

The house is a house from a childrens drawing of a house, from a phantasy come alive, from wood that breathes the freshness of northern air and the aura of history.

There is a house up in Laurium, a house so alive and talkative, you may want go there right away.






Laurium Manor Inn is on beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula in UP Michigan. If you ever travel

up north (you should), staying in the Inn is fun, and/or take a tour of the house.





The entrance hall is impressive and inviting.





1908? No, it´s 2018. 





Of course there´s a grand staircase...





...and an appreciation for detail.





The Victorian setting swallows some light, but this gives the

house its special atmosphere and that homely feel.





Much more to see upstairs...





Pantry and kitchen - important rooms in any house.




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