2021 JFK 50 Miler

Close to Home: Saxony Winterwonderland

January 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment




Saxony Winterwonderland



A few days ago a good friend of mine asked me to join him for some cross-country skiing. Along the northerly Czech-German border lies a low mountain range called Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains - part of Germanys wild wild east), which has an interesting character in terms of mentality and laid-back attitude. In some wooded parts it has an end-of-the-world-feel to it. This is where one part of Germany ends, and beyond a part of the mysterious slavic world begins; feeling-wise that is. But as a matter of course for any proper European border area, it´s not visible where one country ends and the other begins. This mountain range is a stronghold for cross-country skiing, and ski-runs moving along natural features, cross the invisible border line constantly. Because of its heights of up to 1,000 meters (roughly 3,300 ft) winters often end up with a serene white blanket, muffling the quiet area even more. The perfect antithesis to loud and dirty Berlin, which is a mere two and a half hours away. Erzgebirge is a rustic landscape with rustic but very friendly people, offering rustic accommodation and food (the latter is a minor downside when considering the overall feel-good-factor). I´m very glad that I could go along when my friend asked me. The pictures speak for themselves.































































Saxony Gallery










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