2021 JFK 50 Miler

Focus Russia: Walking Downtown Moscow II

August 10, 2016  •  Leave a Comment




Recent Trip:

Another walk through downtown Moscow



The neutral walk through Moscow was good and mind refreshing, leaving the ghosts of my early adolescence far behind me (see part 1 of my Moscow walk). Here was a new town with a more open minded crowd and completely new sights.

The effects the sanctions are leaving behind are not easily visible. Having been there for a few days only, there was no way of telling the impact world politics is having on peoples minds. Russia is opposed to the west, naturally almost everyone in a society under boycott will feel personally targeted. Inside Moscow and beyond I felt like moving about friendly and self-assured locals.

Moscow itself was busy with construction, restoration and alteration. It´s one way of coping with constant change and great societal stress.






The Bolshoy in new splendor. From 2005 until 2011 it underwent a thorough renovation process.





A group of visitors at a side entrance of the playhouse.





Parallel to Tverskaya Street.





A lot of streets in the centre have been transformed into pedestrian zones.









The former Hotel Moscow (now Four Seasons) to the left, the red State Historical Museum and the Kremlin to the right. In the background behind the museum part of St. Basil´s Cathedral. Our class teacher sometimes used to take us to the top of Hotel Moscow (where the arches are) for a quick lunch during school hours and then we´d hurry back before the two-hour-class was over. Fun times.





Tverskaya Street (former Gorky Street) with major construction going on.

See this cool video of the construction.




Russia Gallery











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