2021 JFK 50 Miler

Close to Home: Gardens of the World - Orient in Berlin

September 14, 2015  •  Leave a Comment



In addition to my recent post about the Gardens of the World, here´s another one of the really awesome Oriental Garden. Of course it´s a matter of taste, but I think that this garden is the stunning visual highlight of the whole park. The Far East Gardens are also very beautiful and tranquil, but maybe it´s because of my many travels to Arab and Maghreb countries that I feel beamed into the past experiences when walking in the Oriental Garden. Especially Morocco and Syria come to mind when I reminisce about the beautifully laid out plots all over the Medinas and Casbahs of the old cities. Heaven knows how the gardens of Aleppo may look now, they surely have other problems than tending them.

Marzahn´s gardens all have one thing in common: They are places of peace and contemplation, all laid out with a love for detail and with the professional know-how of specialists from the according regions. And this one really got my special attention.









Hall of Reception





The old Persian word for garden is "para-deiza" - Paradise indeed.









Berlin in September!













Bougainvilleas are like old acquaintances. Enjoyed them a lot in the past.














Berlin Gallery










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