2021 JFK 50 Miler

Close to Home: Walking along Wisconsin Avenue

March 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This day was one of the more bleaker days of this long ongoing winter. But even on a bleak day there is something to be won, to be harvested, a nice thing to be taken home after being out. Psychology triumphs over physical weather. I brought home photographs. On dark and cloudy days it pays off to still take pictures and have them turn out nice. One trick is doing them in black and white. No matter how dull a day is, black and white saves it. We were in Georgetown, strolling up and down Wisconsin Avenue, looking for nothing in particular. Any day is a good day for Georgetown, Susanne scanned the shops and I scanned the street. I realized that we hardly ever walk along Wisconsin Avenue or M Street, because one normally enjoys the much quieter and serene back streets with their nice townhouses, beautiful façades, the colored wooden doors and the seemingly close-knit neighborhoods. I have tons of pictures of this part of Georgetown and the canal neighborhood, but not many of the two main thoroughfares. So, here was the opportunity.
































































































See more of Georgetown







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