2021 JFK 50 Miler

Focus Photography: Aerial Views

February 27, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

When travelling by air I´m not particularly eager to have a window seat. But when I do sit by a window, every once in a while I´ll try to see wether I can recognize anything 36,000 feet further down. As most of us have flown, you know what I am referring to. Often there are only abstract patterns of clouds, landscapes or water that aren´t very interesting or even somewhat hypnotizing. On cloudless flights, or when clouds are low and close to the ground, the view seems to be most rewarding. Not that the experience is revealing new worlds or constantly delivering aha-moments, but there are nice things to be seen, our beautiful planet from above. Taking pictures out from a plane window is a geekish thing to do, but then - why not? Over the course of time I have collected some pictures that I´ve taken from the highseat. Inspired by a recent picture series on Spiegel Online I decided to blog about my own pics, which aren´t as good as many of the featured ones. But I like to look at them once in a while reminiscing about the flights to many very different destinations.

















All of the above: Over the Swiss Alps







Landing in Lagos, Nigeria: the Airport Signal.

Remarkable green round, very disciplined without squatter´s attempts.







Also Lagos, Nigeria: At times the International Airport looked like an airplane´s graveyard.







This is the Volta Delta in Ghana. Big Ada in foreground, Ada Foah in background.

There is a beautiful River Resort in Big Ada that we sometimes used to go to.

I´ve also done a boat tour in the Delta region, visiting Akpeteshie

distilleries on some of the islands.







Somewhere over Greenland. Note the glacier in the bay.







The English Channel, close to the Dutch Coast near Amsterdam.







Unmistakably Berlin




See more pics from the "Photography Series"









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